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  • Yuan L, Honda Y, Lina Madaniyazi L, Tobias A, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Toward a Cohort Perspective of Climate Epidemiology: The Case of Examining Intergenerational Inequalities in Susceptibility to Non-Optimal Temperatures in Japan. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2025 Feb 133(2): 027003.

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  • Tobías A, Querol X, Roqué M, Lwin KS, Yuan L, Ith S, Htay ZW, Chua PLC, Solá I, Renzi M, Stafoggia M, Hashizume M. Short-term exposure to desert dust and sandstorms and all-cause and cause-specific mortality and morbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental International. 2025 Feb 109277.

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  • Lin SY, Chua PLC, Yuan L, Hossain N, He J, Yamasaki L, Madaniyazi L, Ng CFS, Tobias A, Hashizume M. A scoping review and thematic analysis of the effects of tropical cyclones on diarrheal diseases. Environmental Epidemiology. 2025 Feb 9(1):p e366.

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  • Yuan L, Madaniyazi L, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ng CFS, Oka K, Chua PLC, Ueda K, Tobias A, Honda Y, Hashizume M. Non-optimal temperature-attributable mortality and morbidity burden by cause, age and sex under climate and population change scenarios: a nationwide modelling study in Japan. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 2024 Nov; 52: 101214

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  • Guo Q, Mistry MN, Zhou X, Zhao G, Kino K, Wen B, Yoshimura K, Satoh Y, Cvijanovic I, Kim Y, Ng CFS, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Armstrong B, Urban A, Katsouyanni K, Masselot P, Tong S, Sera F, Huber V, Bell ML, Kyselý J, Multi-Country Multi-City (MCC) Collaborative Research Network, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M, Oki T. Regional variation in the role of humidity on city-level heat-related mortality. PNAS Nexus. 2024 Aug; pgae290.

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  • GUO Q, Yuan L, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Evaluating Japan's revised heat-health warning system in the face of recent escalating heat stress. Environmental Research Letters. 2024 April; 19 054002.

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  • Cao A, Ueta M, Uchibori M, Murakami M, Kunishima H, Rauniyar SK, Prommas P, Tomoi H, Gilmour S, Sakamoto H, Hashizume M, Naito W, Yasutaka T, Maruyama-Sakurai K, Miyata H, Nomura S. Trust in governments, public health institutions, and other information sources as determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake behavior in Japan. Vaccine. 2024 Jun 20;42(17):3684-3692.

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  • Harada N, Koda M, Eguchi A, Hashizume M, Suzuki M, Nomura S. Changes in place of death among patients with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a time series analysis. Journal of Epidemiol 2024. Journal of Epidemiol. 2024.

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  • Sassa M, Yoneoka D, Ng CFS, Cao A, Devanathan G, Hashizume M, Nomura S. A comprehensive assessment of deworming coverage among pregnant women in low- and middle- income countries, 2000-2030. Journal of Global Health. 2024; 14: 04002.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Armstrong B, Tobias A, Mistry MN, Bell ML, Urban A, Kyselý J, Ryti N, Cvijanovic I, Ng CFS, Roye D, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Tong S, Lavigne E, Íñiguez C, Silva SP, Madureira J, Jaakkola JJK, Sera F, Honda Y, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M, on behalf of the Multi-Country Multi-City Collaborative Research Network. Seasonality of mortality under climate change: a multicountry projection study. Lancet Planet Health. 2024 Feb;8(2): E86-E94.

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  • Hinata H, Lwin KS, Eguchi A, Ghaznavi C, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Factors associated with barriers to healthcare access among ever-married women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: Analysis from the 2017-2018 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey.  PLoS One. 2024 Jan 5;19(1):e0289324.

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  • Mano Y, Yuan L, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Association between ambient temperature and genitourinary emergency ambulance dispatches in Japan: A nationwide case-crossover study. Environ Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 14;8(2):e298.

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  • Hinata H, Suu Lwin K, Eguchi A, Ghaznavi C, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Factors associated with barriers to healthcare access among ever-married women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: analysis from the 2017-2018 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. PLoS ONE. 2023; 19(1): e0289324.

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  • Pillay MT, Minakawa N, Kim Y, Kgalane N, Ratnam JV, Behera SK, Hashizume M, Sweijd N. Utilizing a novel high-resolution malaria dataset for climate-informed predictions with a deep learning transformer model. Sci Rep. 2023 Dec 28;13(1):23091.

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  • Min J, Kang DH, Kang C, Bell ML, Kim H, Yang J, Gasparrini A, Lavigne E, Hashizume M, Kim Y, Ng CFS, Honda Y, das Neves Pereira da Silva S, Madureira J, Leon Guo Y, Pan SC, Armstrong B, Sera F, Masselot P, Schwartz J, Maria Vicedo-Cabrera A, Pyo Lee J, Al-Aly Z, Won Lee J, Kwag Y, Ha E, Lee W. Fluctuating risk of acute kidney injury-related mortality for four weeks after exposure to air pollution: A multi-country time-series study in 6 countries. Environ Int. 2023 Dec 2;183:108367.

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  • Yuan L, Madaniyazi L, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Ueda K, Oka K, Tobias A, Hashizume M. A nationwide comparative analysis of temperature-related mortality and morbidity in Japan. Environ Health Perspect. 2023 Dec;131(12):127008.

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  • Kim Y, Oka K, Kawazu EC, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Ueda K, Hashizume M, Honda Y. Enhancing health resilience in Japan in a changing climate. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023 Nov 15;40:100970.

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  • Thawonmas R, Hashizume M, Kim Y. Projections of Temperature-Related Suicide under Climate Change Scenarios in Japan. Environ Health Perspect. 2023 Nov;131(11):117012.

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  • Chua PLC, Takane Y, Ng CFS, Oka K, Honda Y, Kim Y, Hashizume M. Net impact of air conditioning on heat-related mortality in Japanese cities. Environ Int. 2023 Nov;181:108310.

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  • Nomura S, Nishio M, Abe SK, Eguchi A, Inoue M, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer death locations in Japan: an analysis up to February 2023 on excess mortality. J Epidemiol. 2023 Oct 21

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  • Stafoggia M, Michelozzi P, Schneider A, Armstrong B, Scortichini M, Rai M, Achilleos S, Alahmad B, Analitis A, Åström C, Bell ML, Calleja N, Krage Carlsen H, Carrasco G, Paul Cauchi J, Dszs Coelho M, Correa PM, Diaz MH, Entezari A, Forsberg B, Garland RM, Leon Guo Y, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Holobaca IH, Íñiguez C, Jaakkola JJK, Kan H, Katsouyanni K, Kim H, Kyselý J, Lavigne E, Lee W, Li S, Maasikmets M, Madureira J, Mayvaneh F, Ng CFS, Nunes B, Orru H, V Ortega N, Osorio S, Palomares ADL, Pan SC, Pascal M, Ragettli MS, Rao S, Raz R, Roye D, Ryti N, Hn Saldiva P, Samoli E, Schwartz J, Scovronick N, Sera F, Tobias A, Tong S, Dlc Valencia C, Maria Vicedo-Cabrera A, Urban A, Gasparrini A, Breitner S, De' Donato FK. Joint effect of heat and air pollution on mortality in 620 cities of 36 countries. Environ Int. 2023 Oct 10:181:108258.

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  • Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Tong S, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Achilleos S, Roye D, Jaakkola JJ, Ryti N, Pascal M, Schneider A, Breitner S, Entezari A, Mayvaneh F, Raz R, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Ng CFS, Gaio V, Madureira J, Holobaca IH, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Guo YL, Pan SC, Masselot P, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Interactive effects of ambient fine particulate matter and ozone on daily mortality in 372 cities: two stage time series analysis. BMJ. 2023 Oct 4:383:e075203. 

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  • Huang W, Li S, Vogt T, Xu R, Tong S, Molina T, Masselot P, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Pascal M, Royé D, Ng CFS, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Schwartz J, Lavigne E, Kan H, Goodman P, Zeka A, Hashizume M, Diaz MH, De la Cruz Valencia C, Seposo X, Nunes B, Madureira J, Kim H, Lee W, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Guo YL, Pan SC, Zanobetti A, Dang TN, Van Dung D, Geiger T, Otto C, Johnson A, Hales S, Yu P, Yang Z, Ritchie EA, Guo Y. Global short-term mortality risk and burden associated with tropical cyclones from 1980 to 2019: a multi-country time-series study. Lancet Planet Health. 2023 Aug;7(8):e694-e705.

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  • Kim SE, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Oka K, Hijioka Y, Kim H. Positive Association of Aggression with Ambient Temperature. Yale J Biol Med. 2023 Jun 30;96(2):189-196.

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  • Ghaznavi C, Eguchi A, Lwin KS, Yoneoka D, Tanoue Y, Rauniyar SK, Horiuchi S, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Estimating global changes in routine childhood vaccination coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020–2021. Vaccine. 2023 Jun 23;41(28):4151-4157.

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  • Kim SE, Hashizume M, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A, Oka K, Hijioka Y, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Honda Y. Mortality Risk of Hot Nights: A Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Study in Japan. Environ Health Perspect. 2023 May;131(5):57005.

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  • Rauniyar SK, Hashizume M, Yoneoka D, Nomura S. Projection of morbidity and mortality due to breast cancer between 2020 and 2050 across 42 low- and middle-income countries. Heliyon. 2023 May 19;9(6):e16427.

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  • Nomura S, Eguchi A, Ghaznavi C, Yamasaki L, Rauniyar SK, Tanoue Y, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Kohsaka S, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Changes in cerebrovascular disease–related deaths and their location during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Public Health. 2023 May; 218: 176–179.

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  • Hiroshima G7 Global Health Task Force (inc. Nomura S and Hashizume M) Promote global solidarity to advance health-system resilience: proposals for the G7 meetings in Japan. Lancet. 2023 Apr 22;401(10385):1319-1321.

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  • Rai M, Stafoggia M, de'Donato F, Scortichini M, Zafeiratou S, Vazquez Fernandez L, Zhang S, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Rao S, Lavigne E, Guo Y, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Pascal M, Hashizume M, Ng CFS, Alahmad B, Hurtado Diaz M, De la Cruz Valencia C, Nunes B, Madureira J, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Kim H, Lee W, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Maria Vicedo-Cabrera A, Ragettli MS, Leon Guo YL, Pan SC, Li S, Gasparrini A, Sera F, Masselot P, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Schneider A, Breitner S. Heat-related cardiorespiratory mortality: Effect modification by air pollution across 482 cities from 24 countries. Environ Int. 2023 Apr;174:107825.

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  • Lwin KS, Tobías A, Chua PLC, Yuan L, Thawonmas R, Ith S, Htay ZW, Yu LS, Yamasaki L, Roqué M, Querol X, Fussell JC, Nadeau KC, Stafoggia M, Saliba NA, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Effects of desert dust and sandstorms on human health: a scoping review. GeoHealth. 2023 Mar 1;7(3):e2022GH000728.

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  • Alahmad B, Khraishah H, Royé D, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Papatheodorou SI, Achilleos S, Acquaotta F, Armstrong B, Bell ML, Pan SC, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Colistro V, Dang TN, Van Dung D, De' Donato FK, Entezari A, Guo YL, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Indermitte E, Íñiguez C, Jaakkola JJK, Kim H, Lavigne E, Lee W, Li S, Madureira J, Mayvaneh F, Orru H, Overcenco A, Ragettli MS, Ryti NRI, Saldiva PHN, Scovronick N, Seposo X, Sera F, Silva SP, Stafoggia M, Tobias A, Garshick E, Bernstein AS, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Gasparrini A, Koutrakis P. Associations between extreme temperatures and cardiovascular cause-specific mortality: Results from 27 countries. Circulation. 2023 Jan 3;147(1):35-46.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Tobías A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Jaakkola JJK, Honda Y, Guo Y, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Campbell MJ, Katsouyanni K, Haines A, Ebi KL, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M. Should we adjust for season in time-series studies of the short-term association between temperature and mortality? Epidemiology. 2023 Jan 30;34(3):313-318.

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  • Choi HM, Lee W, Roye D, Heo S, Urban A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zanobetti A, Gasparrini A, Analitis A, Tobias A, Armstrong B, Forsberg B, Íñiguez C, Åström C, Ng CFS, Indermitte E, Lavigne E, Mayvaneh F, Acquaotta F, Sera F, Orru H, Kim H, Kyselý J, Madueira J, Schwartz J, Jaakkola JJK, Katsouyanni K, Diaz MH, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Pascal M, Ryti N, Scovronick N, Osorio S, Tong S, Seposo X, Honda Y, Kim Y, Guo YL, Guo Y, Bell ML. Corrigendum to Effect modification of greenness on the association between heat and mortality: A multi-city multi-country study. EBioMedicine. 2023 Jan;87:104396.

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  • Lin SY, Ng CFS, Kim Y, Htay ZW, Cao AQ, Pan R, Hashizume M. Ambient temperature and nervous system diseases-related mortality in Japan from 2010 to 2019: A time-stratified case-crossover analysis. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Jan 6;867:161464.

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  • Shaw R, Luo Y, Cheong T.S, Abdul Halim S, Chaturvedi S, Hashizume M, G.E Insarov, Ishikawa Y, Jafari M, Kitoh A, Pulhin J, Singh C, Vasant K, Zhang Z. Asia. In: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. 2022. pp. 1457–1579.

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  • Adelekan I, Cartwright A, Chow W, Colenbrander S, Dawson R, Garschagen M, Haasnoot M, Hashizume M, Klaus I, Krishnaswamy J, Lemos M.F, Ley D, McPhearson T, Pelling M, Kodira P.P, Revi A, Sara L.M, Simpson N.P, Singh C, Solecki W, Thomas A, Trisos C. What the Latest Science on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Means for Cities and Urban Areas. Summary for Urban Policymakers (SUP) of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report Volume II. Indian Institute for Human Settlements. 2022.

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  • Huang HL, Abe SK, Sawada N, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Iwasaki M, Yamaji T, Iso H, Mizoue T, Noda M, Hashizume M, Inoue M, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and mortality: Japan public health center-based prospective study. Eur J Nutr. 2022 Aug;76(8):1142-1149.

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  • Yamasaki L, Murayama H, Hashizume M. The impact of temperature on the transmissibility and virulence of COVID-19 in Tokyo, Japan. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 29;11(1):24477.

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  • Cromar KR, Anenberg SC, Balmes JR, Fawcett AA, Ghazipura M, Gohlke JM, Hashizume M, Howard P, Lavigne E, Levy K, Madrigano J, Martinich JA, Mordecai EA, Rice MB, Saha S, Scovronick NC, Sekercioglu F, Svendsen ER, Zaitchik BF, Ewart G. Global health impacts for economic models of climate change: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 Jul;19(7):1203-1212

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Tobias A, Jaakkola JJK, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Guo Y, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Katsouyanni K, Haines A, Ebi KL, Gasparrini A. Global mortality burden attributable to non-optimal temperatures. Lancet. 2022 Mar 19;399(10330):1113.

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  • Mistry MN, Schneider R, Masselot P, Royé D, Armstrong B, Kyselý J, Orru H, Sera F, Tong S, Lavigne É, Urban A, Madureira J, García-León D, Ibarreta D, Ciscar JC, Feyen L, de Schrijver E, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Pascal M, Tobias A; Multi-Country Multi-City (MCC) Collaborative Research Network, Guo Y, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Gasparrini A. Comparison of weather station and climate reanalysis data for modelling temperature-related mortality. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 25;12(1):5178.

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  • Wu Y, Wen B, Li S, Gasparrini A, Tong S, Overcenco A, Urban A, Schneider A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zanobetti A, Analitis A, Zeka A, Tobias A, Alahmad B, Armstrong B, Forsberg B, Íñiguez C, Ameling C, De la Cruz Valencia C, Åström C, Houthuijs D, Van Dung D, Royé D, Indermitte E, Lavigne E, Mayvaneh F, Acquaotta F, de'Donato F, Sera F, Carrasco-Escobar G, Kan H, Orru H, Kim H, Holobaca IH, Kyselý J, Madureira J, Schwartz J, Katsouyanni K, Hurtado-Diaz M, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Pascal M, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho M, Scovronick N, Michelozzi P, Goodman P, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Abrutzky R, Osorio S, Dang TN, Colistro V, Huber V, Lee W, Seposo X, Honda Y, Bell ML, Guo Y. Fluctuating temperature modifies heat-mortality association around the globe. Innovation (N Y). 2022 Mar 11;3(2):100225.

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  • Pan R, Honda Y, Minakuchi E, Kim SE, Hashizume M, Kim Y. Ambient temperature and external causes of death in Japan from 1979 to 2015: a time-stratified case-crossover analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2022 Apr;130(4):47004.

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  • Wu Y, Li S, Zhao Q, Wen B, Gasparrini A, Tong S, Overcenco A, Urban A, Schneider A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zanobetti A, Analitis A, Zeka A, Tobias A, Nunes B, Alahmad B, Armstrong B, Forsberg B, Pan SC, Íñiguez C, Ameling C, De la Cruz Valencia C, Åström C, Houthuijs D, Van Dung D, Royé D, Indermitte E, Lavigne E, Mayvaneh F, Acquaotta F, de'Donato F, Rao S, Sera F, Carrasco-Escobar G, Kan H, Orru H, Kim H, Holobaca IH, Kyselý J, Madureira J, Schwartz J, Jaakkola JJK, Katsouyanni K, Hurtado Diaz M, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Pascal M, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho M, Ortega NV, Ryti N, Scovronick N, Michelozzi P, Correa PM, Goodman P, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Abrutzky R, Osorio S, Dang TN, Colistro V, Huber V, Lee W, Seposo X, Honda Y, Guo YL, Bell ML, Guo Y. Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with short-term temperature variability from 2000-19: a three-stage modelling study. Lancet Planet Health. 2022 May;6(5):e410-e421.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Tobias A, Kim Y, Chung Y, Armstrong B, Hashizume M. Assessing seasonality and the role of its potential drivers in environmental epidemiology: a tutorial. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Oct 13;51(5):1677-1686.

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  • He C, Kim H, Hashizume M, Lee W, Honda Y, Kim SE, Kinney PL, Schneider A, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Zhou L, Chen R, Kan H. The effects of night-time warming on mortality burden under future climate change scenarios: a modelling study. Lancet Planet Health. 2022 Aug;6(8):e648-e657.

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  • Roy A, Alam MA, Kim Y, Hashizume M. Association between daily ambient temperature and drug overdose in Tokyo: a time-series study. Environ Health Prev Med. 2022;27:36.

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  • Nsashiyi RS, Rahman MM, Ndam LM, Hashizume M. Exploiting the Bayesian approach to derive counts of married women of reproductive age across Cameroon for healthcare planning, 2000-2030. Sci Rep. 2022 Oct 27;12(1):18075.

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  • Zhou L, He C, Kim H, Honda Y, Lee W, Hashizume M, Chen R, Kan H. The burden of heat-related stroke mortality under climate change scenarios in 22 East Asian cities. Environ Int. 2022 Dec;170:107602.

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  • Nishikawa H, Seposo XT, Madaniyazi L, Kim Y, Tobías A, Yamagami M, Kim SE, Takami A, Sugata S, Honda Y, Ueda K, Hashizume M, Ng CFS. Long-term trends in mortality risk associated with short-term exposure to air pollution in 10 Japanese cities between 1977 and 2015. Environ Res. 2022 Dec 20;219:115108.

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  • Nottmeyer L, Armstrong B, Lowe R, Abbott S, Meakin S, O'Reilly K, von Borries R, Schneider R, Royé D, Hashizume M, Pascal M, Tobias A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kynčl J, Urban A, Orru H, Ryti N, Jaakkola J, Dallavalle M, Schneider A, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Alahmad B, Carrasco G, Holobâc IH, Kim H, Lee W, Íñiguez C, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Scovronick N, Coélho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Diaz MH, Gasparrini A, Sera F. The association of COVID-19 incidence with temperature, humidity, and UV radiation – A global multi-city analysis. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Sep 7;854:158636.

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  • Liu C, Cai J, Chen R, Sera F, Guo Y, Tong S, Li S, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Breitner S, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Diaz MH, Valencia CC, Rao S, Palomares AD, Silva SPD, Madureira J, Holobâc IH, Fratianni S, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Pan SC, Milojevic A, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Coarse particulate air pollution and daily mortality: a global study in 205 cities. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Oct 15;206(8):999-1007.

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  • Chua PLC, Ng CFS, Madaniyazi L, Seposo X, Salazar MA, Huber V, Hashizume M. Projecting temperature-attributable mortality and hospital admissions due to enteric infections in the Philippines. Environ Health Perspect. 2022 Feb;130(2):27011.

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  • Chua PLC, Ng CFS, Tobias A, Seposo XT, Hashizume M. Associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections by pathogen: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Planetary Health. 2022 Mar;6(3):e202-e218.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Jung CR, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Hashizume M, Nakayama SF, Japan Environment and Children's Study Group. Early life exposure to indoor air pollutants and the risk of neurodevelopmental delays: The Japan environment and children's study. Environ Int. 2022 Jan;158:107004.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Armstrong B, Chung Y, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Kim Y, Tobias A, Guo Y, Sera F, Honda Y, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M. Multi-country Multi-city (MCC) Collaborative Research Network. Seasonal variation in mortality and the role of temperature: a multi-country multi-city study. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Feb 18;51(1):122-133.

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  • Lwin KS, Nomura S, Swe KT, Gilmour S, Alam MA, Hashizume M. Attributable risk of household solid fuel use and second-hand smoke associated with under-5 mortality in 46 low- and lower-middle-income countries, 2010-2020. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2022 May 11;243:113986.

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  • Ghaznavi C, Sakamoto H, Kawashima T, Horiuchi S, Ishikane M, Abe SK, Yoneoka D, Eguchi A, Tanoue Y, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Decreased incidence followed by comeback of pediatric infections during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. World J Pediatr. 2022 May 31:1-4.

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  • Nomura S, Eguchi A, Tanoue Y, Yoneoka D, Kawashima T, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Excess deaths from COVID-19 in Japan and 47 prefectures from January through June 2021. Public Health. 2022; 203: 15-8.

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  • Adachi M, Murakami M, Yoneoka D, Kawashima T, Hashizume M, Sakamoto H, Eguchi A, Ghaznavi C, Gilmour S, Kaneko S, Kunishima H, Maruyama-Sakurai K, Tanoue Y, Yamamoto Y, Miyata H, Nomura S. Factors associated with the risk perception of COVID-19 infection and severe illness: A cross-sectional study in Japan. SSM Popul Health. 2022 Jun;18:101105.

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  • Ghaznavi C, Eguchi A, Tanoue Y, Yoneoka D, Kawashima T, Suzuki M, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Pre- and post-COVID-19 all-cause mortality of Japanese citizens versus foreign residents living in Japan, 2015–2021. SSM Popul Health. 2022 May 10;18:101114.

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  • Nomura S, Eguchi A, Ghaznavi C, Tanoue Y, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Yamasaki L, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Excess deaths from non-COVID-19-related causes in Japan and 47 prefectures from January 2020 through May 2021 by place of death. SSM Popul Health. 2022 Sep;19:101196.

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  • Lwin KS, Ghaznavi C, Win KL, Gilmour S, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Myanmar's coup risks a flood of vaccine-preventable disease. J Glob Health. 2022 Sep 3;12:03060.

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  • Chen Y, Abe SK, Inoue M, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Nomura S, Hashizume M, Tsugane S, Sawada N, JPHC Study Group. Green tea and coffee consumption and risk of kidney cancer in Japanese adults. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 24;12(1):20274.

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  • The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia. The imperative of climate action to promote and protect health in Asia. Frutiger by The Clyvedon Press Ltd, Cardiff, United Kingdom. 2021.

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  • Future Earth, The Earth League and WCRP. 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021. Stockholm. 2021.

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Sera F, Guo Y, Chung Y, Arbuthnott K, Tong S, Tobias A, Lavigne E, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Hilario Nascimento Saldiva P, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kim H, Ragettli MS, Röösli M, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A. A multi-country analysis on potential adaptive mechanisms to cold and heat in a changing climate. Environ Int. 2018 Feb;111:239-246.

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  • Lee W, Ebi KL, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hideki H, Choi HM, Choi M, Kim H. Heat-mortality risk and the population concentration of metropolitan areas in Japan: a nationwide time-series study. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 May 17;50(2):602-612.

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  • Wang P, Zhang X, Hashizume M, Goggins WB, Luo C. A systematic review on lagged associations in climate-health studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2021 Aug 30;50(4):1199-1212.

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  • Leung CY, Abe SK, Sawada N, Ishihara J, Takachi R, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Hashizume M, Inoue M, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Sugary drink consumption and subsequent colorectal cancer risk: the Japan public health center-based prospective cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2021;30(4):782-788.

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  • Igaki S, Duc NTM, Nam NH, Nga TTT, Bhandari P, Elhamamsy A, Lotify CI, Hewalla ME, Tawfik GM, Mathenge PG, Hashizume M, Huy NT. Effectiveness of community and school-based sanitation interventions in improving latrine coverage: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled interventions. Environ Health Prev Med. 2021;26(1):26.

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  • Althouse BM, Flasche S, Toizumi M, Nguyen HT, Vo HM, Le MN, Hashizume M, Ariyoshi K, Anh DD, Rodgers GL, Klugman KP, Hu H, Yoshida LM. Differences in clinical severity of respiratory viral infections in hospitalized children. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):5163.

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  • Thet Swe K, Mizanur Rahman M, Shafiur Rahman M, Teng Y, Krull Abe SK, Hashizume M, Shibuya K. Impact of poverty reduction on access to water and sanitation in low- and lower-middle-income countries: country-specific Bayesian projections to 2030. Trop Med Int Health. 2021 Jul;26(7):760-774.

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  • Chen K, Breitner S, Wolf K, Stafoggia M, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Tong S, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdés N, Kan H, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Huber V, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Nunes B, Madureira J, Holobâcă IH, Fratianni S, Kim H, Lee W, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Li S, Milojevic A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Gasparrini A, Schneider A. Ambient carbon monoxide and daily mortality: a global time-series study in 337 cities. Lancet Planet Health. 2021;5(4):e191-e199.

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  • Satoh C, Toizumi M, Nguyen HAT, Hara M, Bui MX, Iwasaki C, Takegata M, Kitamura N, Suzuki M, Hashizume M, Dang DA, Kumai Y, Yoshida LM, Kaneko KI. Prevalence and characteristics of children with otitis media with effusion in Vietnam. Vaccine. 2021:S0264-410X(21)00410-2.

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  • Huang HL, Abe SK, Sawada N, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Iwasaki M, Yamaji T, Iso H, Mizoue T, Noda M, Hashizume M, Inoue M, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Association of sugary drink consumption with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: the Japan public health center-based prospective study. Prev Med 2021;148:106561.

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Scovronick N, Sera F, Royé D, Schneider R, Tobias A, Astrom C, Guo Y, Honda Y, Hondula DM, Abrutzky R, Tong S, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Pascal M, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Mayvaneh F, Entezari A, Goodman P, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, de'Donato F, Hashizume M, Alahmad B, Diaz MH, De La Cruz Valencia C, Overcenco A, Houthuijs D, Ameling C, Rao S, Ruscio FD, Carrasco-Escobar G, Seposo X, Silva S, Madureira J, Holobaca IH, Fratianni S, Acquaotta F, Kim H, Lee W, Iniguez C, Forsberg B, Ragettli MS, Guo YLL, Chen BY, Li S, Armstrong B, Aleman A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Dung DV, Gillett N, Haines A, Mengel M, Huber V, Gasparrini A. The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change. Nat Clim Chang. 2021 Jun;11(6):492-500.

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  • Zhao Q, Guo Y, Ye T, Gasparrini A, Tong S, Overcenco A, Urban A, Schneider A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zanobetti A, Analitis A, Zeka A, Tobias A, Nunes B, Alahmad B, Armstrong B, Forsberg B, Pan SC, Íñiguez C, Ameling C, De la Cruz Valencia C, Åström C, Houthuijs D, Dung DV, Royé D, Indermitte E, Lavigne E, Mayvaneh F, Acquaotta F, de'Donato F, Di Ruscio F, Sera F, Carrasco-Escobar G, Kan H, Orru H, Kim H, Holobaca IH, Kyselý J, Madureira J, Schwartz J, Jaakkola JJK, Katsouyanni K, Hurtado Diaz M, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Pascal M, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coélho M, Valdés Ortega N, Ryti N, Scovronick N, Michelozzi P, Matus Correa P, Goodman P, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Abrutzky R, Osorio S, Rao S, Fratianni S, Dang TN, Colistro V, Huber V, Lee W, Seposo X, Honda Y, Guo YL, Bell ML, Li S. Global, regional, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study. Lancet Planet Health. 2021;5(7):e415-e425.

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  • Taniguchi H, Rahman MM, Swe KT, Islam MR, Rahman MS, Parsell N, Hussain A, Shibuya K, Hashizume M. Equity and determinants in universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000-2030: a national and subnational study. Int J Equity Health. 2021 Aug 30;20(1):196.

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  • Chen G, Guo Y, Yue X, Tong S, Gasparrini A, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Schwartz J, Jaakkola JJK, Zanobetti A, Lavigne E, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Kan H, Royé D, Milojevic A, Overcenco A, Urban A, Schneider A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zeka A, Tobias A, Nunes B, Alahmad B, Forsberg B, Pan SC, Íñiguez C, Ameling C, De la Cruz Valencia C, Åström C, Houthuijs D, Van Dung D, Samoli E, Mayvaneh F, Sera F, Carrasco-Escobar G, Lei Y, Orru H, Kim H, Holobaca IH, Kyselý J, Teixeira JP, Madureira J, Katsouyanni K, Hurtado-Díaz M, Maasikmets M, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Stafoggia M, Pascal M, Scortichini M, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coêlho M, Valdés Ortega N, Ryti NRI, Scovronick N, Matus P, Goodman P, Garland RM, Abrutzky R, Garcia SO, Rao S, Fratianni S, Dang TN, Colistro V, Huber V, Lee W, Seposo X, Honda Y, Guo YL, Ye T, Yu W, Abramson MJ, Samet JM, Li S. Mortality risk attributable to wildfire-related PM2·5 pollution: a global time series study in 749 locations. Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Sep;5(9):e579-e587.

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  • Leung CY, Abe SK, Sawada N, Ishihara J, Takachi R, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Hashizume M, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Sugary drink consumption and risk of kidney and bladder cancer in Japanese adults. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 4;11(1):21701.

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  • Martin M, Sendra O, Bastos A, Bauer N, Bertram C, Blenckner T, Bowen K, Brando P, Rudolph T, Büchs M, Bustamante M, Chen D, Cleugh H, Dasgupta P, Denton F, Donges J, Donkor F, Duan H, Duarte C, Ebi K, Edwards C, Engel A, Fisher E, Fuss S, Gaertner J, Gettelman A, Girardin C, Golledge N, Green J, Grose M, Hashizume M, Hebden S, Hepach H, Hirota M, Hsu H, Kojima S, Lele S, Lorek S, Lotze H, Matthews H, McCauley D, Mebratu D, Mengis N, Nolan R, Pihl E, Rahmstorf S, Redman A, Reid C, Rockström J, Rogelj J, Saunois M, Sayer L, Schlosser P, Sioen G, Spangenberg J, Stammer D, Sterner T. Stevens, N. Thonicke K, Tian H, Winkelmann R, Woodcock J. Ten new insights in climate science 2021 – a horizon scan. Global Sustainability. 2021:4;e25.

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  • Seposo X, Madaniyazi L, Ng CFS, Hashizume M, Honda Y. COVID-19 pandemic modifies temperature and heat-related illness ambulance transport association in Japan: a nationwide observational study. Environ Health. 2021 Dec 2;20(1):122.

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  • Kim Y, Park EH, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Hashimoto K, Tashiro K, Hasunuma H, Doi M, Tamura K, Moriuchi H, Nishiwaki Y, Kim H, Yi SM, Kim H, Hashizume M. Respiratory function declines in children with asthma associated with chemical species of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Nagasaki, Japan. Environ Health. 2021 Oct 21;20(1):110.

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  • Masselot P, Sera F, Schneider R, Kan H, Lavigne É, Stafoggia M, Tobias A, Chen H, Burnett RT, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Chen BY, Leon Guo YL, Ragettli MS, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Åström C, Forsberg B, Íñiguez C, Garland RM, Scovronick N, Madureira J, Nunes B, De la Cruz Valencia C, Hurtado Diaz M, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Ng CFS, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Schneider A, Breitner S, Ryti NRI, Jaakkola JJK, Maasikmets M, Orru H, Guo Y, Valdés Ortega N, Matus Correa P, Tong S, Gasparrini A. Differential mortality risks associated with PM2.5 components: a multi-country, multi-city study. Epidemiology. 2022 Mar 1;33(2):167-175.

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  • Onozuka D, Tanoue Y, Nomura S, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Eguchi A, Ng CFS, Matsuura K, Shi S, Makiyama K, Uryu S, Kawamura Y, Takayanagi S, Gilmour S, Hayashi TI, Miyata H, Sera F, Sunagawa T, Takahashi T, Tsuchihashi Y, Kobayashi Y, Arima Y, Kanou K, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Reduced mortality during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, 2020: a two-stage interrupted time-series design. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Feb 18;51(1):75-84.

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  • Sera F, Armstrong B, Abbott S, Meakin S, O'Reilly K, von Borries R, Schneider R, Royé D, Hashizume M, Pascal M, Tobias A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM; MCC Collaborative Research Network; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group, Gasparrini A, Lowe R. A cross-sectional analysis of meteorological factors and SARS-CoV-2 transmission in 409 cities across 26 countries. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 13;12(1):5968.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Seposo X, Ng CFS, Tobias A, Toizumi M, Moriuchi H, Yoshida LM, Hashizume M. Respiratory syncytial virus outbreaks are predicted after the COVID-19 pandemic in Tokyo, Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 24;75(2):209-211.

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  • Tobías A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Sera F, Ng CFS, Kim Y, Roye D, Chung Y, Dang TN, Kim H, Lee W, Íñiguez C, Vicedo-Cabrera A, Abrutzky R, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Huber V, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Entezari A, Mayvaneh F, Goodman P, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, de'Donato F, Alahmad B, Diaz MH, De la Cruz Valencia C, Overcenco A, Houthuijs D, Ameling C, Rao S, Di Ruscio F, Carrasco G, Seposo X, Nunes B, Madureira J, Holobaca IH, Scovronick N, Acquaotta F, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Li S, Colistro V, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dung DV, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A. Geographical variations of the minimum mortality temperature at a global scale: A multicountry study. Environmental Epidemiology. 2021 Sep 24;5(5):e169.

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  • Nishikawa H, Ng CFS, Madaniyazi L, Seposo XT, Dhoubhadel BG, Pokhrel D, Pokhrel AK, Verma SC, Shrestha D, Raya GB, Hashizume M. Ambient PM2.5 and daily hospital admission for acute respiratory infections: effect modification by weight status of children. Atmosphere. 2021;12:1009.

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  • Chua PLC, Ng CFS, Rivera AS, Salva EP, Salazar MA, Huber V, Hashizume M. Association between ambient temperature and severe diarrhoea in the national capital region, Philippines. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Aug 2;18(15):8191.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Chung Y, Kim Y, Tobias A, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Guo Y, Honda Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Hashizume M. Seasonality of mortality under a changing climate: a time-series analysis of mortality in Japan between 1972 and 2015. Environ Health Prev Med. 2021;26(1):69.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Toizumi M, Yoshida LM, Honda Y, Armstrong B, Hashizume M. Role of temperature, influenza and other local characteristics in seasonality of mortality: a population-based time-series study in Japan. BMJ Open. 2021;11(7):e044876.

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  • Chua PLC, Huber V, Ng CFS, Seposo XT, Madaniyazi L, Hales S, Woodward A, Hashizume M. Global projections of temperature-attributable mortality due to enteric infections: a modelling study. Lancet Planet Health. 2021;5(7):e436-e445.

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  • Tobias A, Madaniyazi L, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Hashizume M. Can SARS-CoV-2 global seasonality determined after one year of pandemic? Environ Epidemiol. 2021;5(2):e146.

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  • Meng X, Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Milojevic A, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Osorio S, Garcia, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Huber V, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Holobaca IH, Fratianni S, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Pan SC, Li S, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Wu T, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Short term associations of ambient nitrogen dioxide with daily total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality: multilocation analysis in 398 cities. BMJ. 2021;372:n534.

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  • Uryu S, Tanoue Y, Nomura S, Matsuura K, Makiyama K, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Eguchi A, Kawamura Y, Gilmour S, Sakamoto H, Shimizu K, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Trends in emergency transportation due to heat illness under the new normal lifestyle in the COVID-19 era, in Japan and 47 prefectures. Sci Total Environ. 2021;768:144723.

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  • Kawashima T, Nomura S, Tanoue Y, Yoneoka D, Eguchi A, Ng CFS, Matsuura K, Shi S, Makiyama K, Uryu S, Kawamura Y, Takayanagi S, Gilmour S, Miyata H, Sunagawa T, Takahashi T, Tsuchihashi Y, Kobayashi Y, Arima Y, Kanou K, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Excess all-cause deaths during coronavirus disease pandemic, Japan, January–May 2020. Emerg Infect Dis 2021;27(3):789-795.

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  • Rauniyar SK, Iwaki Y, Yoneoka D, Hashizume M, Nomura S. Age-appropriate vaccination coverage and its determinants in children aged 12-36 months in Nepal: a national and subnational assessment. BMC Public Health. 2021 Nov 10;21(1):2063.

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  • Nomura S (co-first), Kawashima T, Tanoue Y, Yoneoka D, Eguchi A, Ng CFS, Matsuura K, Shi S, Makiyama K, Uryu S, Kawamura Y, Takayanagi S, Gilmour S, Miyata H, Sunagawa T, Takahashi T, Tsuchihashi Y, Kobayashi Y, Arima Y, Kanou K, Suzuki M, Hashizume M . Excess all-cause deaths during Coronavirus disease pandemic, Japan, January-May 2020. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021;27(3):789-795.

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  • Acuti Martellucci C, Nomura S, Yoneoka D, Ueda P, Brotherton J, Canfell K, Palmer M, Manzoli L, Giorgi Rossi P, De Togni A, Palmonari C, Califano A, Saito E, Hashizume M, Shibuya K. Human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness within a cervical cancer screening programme: cohort study. BJOG. 2021; 128(3): 532-9.

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  • Eguchi A, Nomura S, Gilmour S, Harada N, Sakamoto H, Yoneoka D, Ueda P, Tanoue Y, Kawashima T, Hayashi TI, Arima Y, Suzuki M, Hashizume M. Suicide by gender and 10-year age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic vs previous five years in Japan: An analysis of national vital statistics. Psychiatry Res. 2021 Aug 21;305:114173.

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  • Nomura S, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Tanoue Y, Eguchi A, Gilmour S, Hashizume M. Trends in deaths from road injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, January to September 2020. Inj Epidemiol. 2021;7(1):66.

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  • Makiyama K, Kawashima T, Nomura S, Eguchi A, Yoneoka D, Tanoue Y, Kawamura Y, Sakamoto H, Gilmour S, Shi S, Matsuura K, Uryu S, Hashizume M. Trends in healthcare access in Japan during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, up to June 2020. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(6):3271.

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  • Nomura S, Kawashima T, Harada N, Yoneoka D, Tanoue Y, Eguchi A, Gilmour S, Kawamura Y, Hashizume M. Trends in suicide in Japan by gender during the COVID-19 pandemic, through December 2020. Psychiatry Res. 2021;300:113913.

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  • Taniguchi H, Rahman MM, Swe KT, Hussain A, Shibuya K, Hashizume M. Trends and projections of universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000–2030: A national and subnational study. Soc Sci Med. 2021 Feb;270:113630.

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  • Amimo F, Lambert B, Magit A, Hashizume M. A review of prospective pathways and impacts of COVID-19 on the accessibility, safety, quality, and affordability of essential medicines and vaccines for universal health coverage in Africa. Global Health. 2021;17(1):42.

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  • Tokinobu A, Yamakawa M, Tsuda T, Matsushita N, Hashizume M. Japanese tourists travelling in India have poor pre-travel preparedness. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2020;33:101417.

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  • Kim SE, Xie Y, Dai H, Fujimori S, Hijioka Y, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Masui T, Hasegawa T, Xu X, Yi K, Kim H. Air quality co-benefits from climate mitigation for human health in South Korea. Environ Int. 2020;136:105507.

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  • Yoshihara K, Minh LN, Okada T, Toizumi M, Nguyen HA, Vo HM, Hashizume M, Dang DA, Kimura H, Yoshida LM. Evolutionary dynamics of influenza B strains detected from paediatric acute respiratory infections in central Vietnam. Infect Genet Evol. 2020;81:104264.

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  • Nakamura T, Nishiwaki Y, Hashimoto K, Takeuchi A, Kitajima T, Komori K, Tashiro K, Hasunuma H, Ueda K, Shimizu A, Odajima H, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M. Association between Asian dust exposure and respiratory function in children with bronchial asthma in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. Environ Health Prev Med. 2020;25(1):8.

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  • Yu J, Park J, Choi T, Hashizume M, Kim Y, Honda Y, Chung Y. Nonparametric bayesian functional meta-regression: applications in environmental epidemiology. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 2020.

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  • Yu J, Yang D, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Honda Y, Tobias A, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Kim H, Íñiguez C, Lavigne E, Ragettli MS, Scovronick N, Acquaotta F, Chen B, Guo YL, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliori Coelho M, Saldiva P, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Diaz M, De la Cruz Valencia C, Holobâcă I, Fratianni S, Chung Y. Seasonality of suicide: a multi-country multi-community observational study. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 2020;29: e163.

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  • Hasunuma H, Takeuchi A, Ono R, Amimoto Y, Hwang YH, Uno I, Shimizu A, Nishiwaki Y, Hashizume M, Askew DJ, Odajima H. Effect of Asian dust on respiratory symptoms among children with and without asthma, and their sensitivity. Sci Total Environ. 2020;753:141585.

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  • Zeka A, Tobias A, Leonardi G, Bianchi F, Lauriola P, Crabbe H, Vardoulakis S, Guo Y, Honda Y, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M, Vicedo AM, Knudsen LE, Sera F, Ashworth M; Scientific Committee of the International Network of Public Health and Environmental Tracking. Responding to COVID-19 requires strong epidemiological evidence of environmental and societal determining factors. Lancet Planet Health. 2020;4(9):e375-e376.

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  • Sera F, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Lavigne E, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Tobias A, Iñiguez C, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Blangiardo M, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A. Air conditioning and heat-related mortality: a multi-country longitudinal study. Epidemiology. 2020;31(6):779-787.

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  • Lee W, Kim Y, Sera F, Gasparrini A, Park R, Michelle Choi H, Prifti K, Bell ML, Abrutzky R, Guo Y, Tong S, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Lavigne E, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Goodman P, Zeka A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado Diaz M, César Cruz J, Overcenco A, Nunes B, Madureira J, Scovronick N, Acquaotta F, Tobias A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Li S, Armstrong B, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Kim H. Projections of excess mortality related to diurnal temperature range under climate change scenarios: a multi-country modelling study. Lancet Planet Health. 2020;4(11):e512-e521.

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  • Hess JJ, Ranadive N, Boyer C, Aleksandrowicz L, Anenberg SC, Aunan K, Belesova K, Bell ML, Bickersteth S, Bowen K, Burden M, Campbell-Lendrum D, Carlton E, Cissé G, Cohen F, Dai H, Dangour AD, Dasgupta P, Frumkin H, Gong P, Gould RJ, Haines A, Hales S, Hamilton I, Hasegawa T, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Horton DE, Karambelas A, Kim H, Kim SE, Kinney PL, Kone I, Knowlton K, Lelieveld J, Limaye VS, Liu Q, Madaniyazi L, Martinez ME, Mauzerall DL, Milner J, Neville T, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Pachauri S, Perera F, Pineo H, Remais JV, Saari RK, Sampedro J, Scheelbeek P, Schwartz J, Shindell D, Shyamsundar P, Taylor TJ, Tonne C, Van Vuuren D, Wang C, Watts N, West JJ, Wilkinson P, Wood SA, Woodcock J, Woodward A, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Ebi KL. Guidelines for modeling and reporting health effects of climate change mitigation actions. Environ Health Perspect. 2020;128(11):115001.

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  • Amimo F, Lambert B, Magit A, Sacarlal J, Hashizume M, Shibuya K. Plasmodium falciparum resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Africa: a systematic analysis of national trends. BMJ Glob Health. 2020;5(11):e003217.

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  • Hashizume M, Kim Y, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Madaniyazi L, Bell ML, Guo YL, Kan H, Honda Y, Yi SM, Kim H, Nishiwaki Y. Health effects of Asian dust: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2020;128(6):66001.

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  • Sim K, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Sera F, Ng CFS, Honda Y, Chung Y. Nonlinear temperature-suicide association in Japan from 1972 to 2015: Its heterogeneity and the role of climate, demographic, and socioeconomic factors. Environ Int. 2020;142:105829.

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  • Shimmei K, Nakamura T, Ng CFS, Hashizume M , Murakami Y, Maruyama A, Misaki T, Okabe N, Nishiwaki Y. Association between seasonal influenza and absolute humidity: time-series analysis with daily surveillance data in Japan. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):7764.

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera, AM, Sera F, Liu C, Armstrong B, Milojevic A, Guo Y, Tong S, Lavigne E, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Pascal M, Huber V, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Stafoggia M, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Hurtado-Diaz M, Cruz J, Silva S, Madureira J, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Röösli M, Guo YLL, Chen BY, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Kan H, Gasparrini A. Short term association between ozone and mortality: global two stage time series study in 406 locations in 20 countries. BMJ. 2020;368: m108.

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  • Nomura S, Kawashima T, Yoneoka D, Tanoue Y, Eguchi A, Gilmour S, Kawamura Y, Harada N, Hashizume M. Trends in suicide in Japan by gender during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to September 2020. Psychiatry Research. 2020;295:113622.

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  • Sera F, Armstrong B, Tobias A, Vicedo-Cabrera AA, Åström C, Bell ML, Chen BY, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Correa PM, Cruz JC, Dang TN, Hurtado-Diaz M, Van DD, Forsberg B, Guo YL, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Iñiguez C, Jaakkola JJK, Kan H, Kim H, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Ortega NV, Osorio S, Pascal M, Ragettli MS, Ryti NRI, Saldiva PHN, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Seposo X, Tong S, Zanobetti A, Gasparrini A. How urban characteristics affect vulnerability to heat and cold: a multi-country analysis. Int J Epidemiol. 2019;48(4):1101-1112.

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  • Toizumi M, Hashizume M, Nguyen HAT, Yasunami M, Kitamura N, Iwasaki C, Takegata M, Moriuchi H, Dang DA, Ariyoshi K, Yoshida LM. Asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, eczema, and the association with perinatal anthropometric factors in Vietnamese children. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):2655.

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  • Onozuka D, Gasparrini A, Sera F, Hashizume M, Honda Y. Future projections of temperature-related excess out-of-hospital cardiac arrest under climate change scenarios in Japan. Sci Total Environ. 2019;682:333-339.

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  • Lee JY, Kim H, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Bell ML, Sera F, Lavigne E, Abrutzky R, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kan H, Garcia SO, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado M, Cruz J, Seposo X, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Do Van D, Mayvaneh F, Overcenco A, Li S, Guo Y. Predicted temperature-increase-induced global health burden and its regional variability. Environ Int. 2019;131:105027.

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  • Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdes Ortega N, Osorio Garcia S, Pascal M, Stafoggia M, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Díaz M, Cruz J, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Bell ML, Wright CY, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Milojevic A, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Chen J, Wu T, Cohen A, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Ambient particulate air pollution and daily mortality in 652 Cities. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(8):705-715.

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  • Armstrong B, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Abrutzky R, Åström DO, Bell ML, Chen BY, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Correa PM, Dang TN, Diaz MH, Dung DV, Forsberg B, Goodman P, Guo YL, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Indermitte E, Íñiguez C, Kan H, Kim H, Kyselý J, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Orru H, Ortega NV, Pascal M, Ragettli MS, Saldiva PHN, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Seposo X, Tobias A, Tong S, Urban A, De la Cruz Valencia C, Zanobetti A, Zeka A, Gasparrini A. The role of humidity in associations of high temperature with mortality: A multicountry, multicity study. Environ Health Perspect. 2019;127(9):97007.

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  • Yamakawa M, Tokinobu A, Tanaka Y, Matsushita N, Hashizume M. Missed opportunities for measles vaccination among departing travelers from Japan to India. J Travel Med. 2020 Feb 3;27(1):taz086.

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  • Hasunuma H, Ichinose T, Ueda K, Odajima H, Kanatani K, Shimizu A, Takami A, Takeuchi A, Nishiwaki Y, Watanabe M, Hashizume M. Health effects of Asian dust events: a literature review update of epidemiological evidence. Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2019;74(0).

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  • Kim Y, Kim H, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Honda Y, Chung Y, Ng CFS, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Lavigne E, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Scovronick N, Acquaotta F, Chen BY, Guo YLL, Seposo X, Dang TN, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Kosheleva A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Hashizume M. Suicide and ambient temperature: a multi-city multi-country study. Environ Health Perspect. 2019;127(11):117007.

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  • Matsushita N, Kim Y, Ng CFS, Moriyama M, Igarashi T, Yamamoto K, Otieno W, Minakawa N, Hashizume M. Differences of rainfall-malaria associations in lowland and highland in Western Kenya. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(19):3693.

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  • Ng CFS, Hashizume M, Obase Y, Doi M, Tamura K, Tomari S, Kawano T, Fukushima C, Matsuse H, Chung Y, Kim Y, Kunimitsu K, Kohno S, Mukae H. Associations of chemical composition and sources of PM2.5 with lung function of severe asthmatic adults in a low air pollution environment of urban Nagasaki, Japan. Environ Pollut. 2019;252(Pt A):599-606.

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  • Chua PLC, Dorotan MM, Sigua JA, Estanislao RD, Hashizume M, Salazar MA. Scoping review of climate change and health research in the Philippines: A complementary tool in research agenda-setting. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(14):2624.

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  • Kim Y, Ratnam JV, Doi T, Morioka Y, Behera S, Tsuzuki A, Minakawa N, Sweijd N, Kruger P, Maharaj R, Imai CC, Ng CFN, Chung Y, Hashizume M. Malaria predictions based on seasonal climate forecasts in South Africa: a time series distributed lag nonlinear model. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):17882.

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  • Onozuka D, Gasparrini A, Sera F, Hashizume M, Honda Y. Modeling future projections of temperature-related excess morbidity due to infectious gastroenteritis under climate change conditions in Japan. Environ Health Perspect. 2019;127(7):77006.

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  • Lee W, Bell ML, Gasparrini A, Armstrong BG, Sera F, Hwang S, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Osorio S, Tobias A, Zeka A, Goodman PG, Forsberg B, Rocklov J, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Seposo X, Van Dung D, Dang TN, Tong S, Guo Y, Kim H. Mortality burden of diurnal temperature range and its temporal changes: A multi-country study. Environ Int. 2018;110:123-130.

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  • Kim SE, Bell ML, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kan K, Kim H. Associations between mortality and prolonged exposure to elevated particulate matter concentrations in East Asia. Environ Int. 2018;110:88-94.

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  • Toizumi M, Suzuki M, Nguyen HAT, Le MN, Ariyoshi K, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M, Dang DA, Yoshida LM. Viral acute respiratory illnesses in young infants increase the risk of respiratory readmission. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018;37(12):1217-1222.

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  • Behera SK, Morioka Y, Ikeda T, Doi T, Ratnam JV, Nonaka M, Tsuzuki A, Imai C, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Iwami S, Kruger P, Maharaj R, Sweijd N, Minakawa N. Malaria incidences in South Africa linked to a climate mode in southwestern indian ocean. Environmental Development. 2018.07.002

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  • NV, Kan H, Osorio S, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Guo YL, Chen BY, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Van DD, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Ebi KL, Tong S. Quantifying excess deaths related to heatwaves under climate change scenarios: A multicountry time series modelling study. PLoS Med. 2018;15(7):e1002629.

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  • Althouse BM, Flasche S, Minh LN, Thiem VD, Hashizume M, Ariyoshi K, Anh DD, Rodgers GL, Klugman KP, Hu H, Yoshida LM. Seasonality of respiratory viruses causing hospitalizations for acute respiratory infections in children in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Int J Infect Dis. 2018 Oct;75:18-25.

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera A, Guo Y, Sera F, Huber V, Schleussner C, Mitchell D, Tong S, Coelho M, Saldiva P, Lavigne E, Correa P, Ortega N, Kan H, Osorio S, Kysely J, Urban A, Jaakkola J, Ryti N, Pascal M, Goodman P, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Mortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Diaz M, Cruz J, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobias A, Iniguez C, Forsberg B, Astrom O, Ragettli M, Roosli M, Guo Y, Wu C, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell M, Dang T, Do Van D, Heaviside C, Vardoulakis S, Hajat S, Haines A, Armstrong B, Ebi K, Gasparrini A. Temperature-related mortality impacts under and beyond Paris agreement climate change scenarios. Climatic Change. 2018:150:391.

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  • Yoshihara K, Le MN, Toizumi M, Nguyen HA, Minh Vo H, Odagiri T, Fujisaki S, Ariyoshi K, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M, Dang DA, Yoshida LM. Influenza B associated paediatric acute respiratory Iinfection hospitalization in central Vietnam. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2019 May;13(3):248-261.

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  • Chung Y, Yang DW, Gasparrini A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ng CFS, Kim Y, Honda Y, Hashizume M. Changing susceptibility to non-optimum temperatures in Japan, 1972-2012: the role of climate, demographic and socio-economic factors. Environ Health Perspect. 2018;126(5):057002.

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  • Matsushita N, Ng CFS, Kim Y, Suzuki M, Saito N, Ariyoshi K, Salva EP, Dimaano EM, Villarama JB, Go WS, Hashizume M. The non-linear and lagged short-term relationship between rainfall and leptospirosis and the intermediate role of floods in the Philippines. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2018;12(4): e0006331.

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  • Kim Y, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Kim H, Honda Y, Guo YL, Lim YH, Chen BY, Page LA, Hashizume M. Air pollution and suicide in 10 cities in northeast Asia: A time-stratified case-crossover analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2018;126(3):037002.

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  • Kim SE, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Kan H, Lim YH, Lee H, Kim CT, Yi SM, Kim H. Seasonal analysis of the short-term effects of air pollution on daily mortality in Northeast Asia. Sci Total Environ. 2017;576:850–857.

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  • Chung Y, Noh H, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Bell ML, Guo YL, Kim H. Temporal changes in mortality related to extreme temperatures for 15 cities in Northeast Asia: adaptation to heat and mal-adaptation to cold. Am J Epidemiol. 2017;21:1–7.

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  • Toizumi M, Nguyen GTH, Motomura H, Nguyen TH, Pham E, Kaneko K, Uematsu M, Nguyen HA, Dang DA, Hashizume M, Yoshida LM, Moriuchi H. Sensory defects and developmental delay among children with congenital rubella syndrome. Sci. Rep. 2017;7:46483.

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  • Ikeda T, Behera SK, Morioka Y, Minakawa N, Hashizume M, Tsuzuki A, Maharaj R, Kruger P. Seasonally lagged effects of climatic factors on malaria incidence in South Africa. Sci. Rep. 2017;7:2458.

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  • Lal A, Hashizume M, Hales S. Indian Ocean Dipole and cryptosporidiosis in Australia: short-term and nonlinear associations. Environ Sci Technol. 2017;51(14):8119–8127.

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  • Lee JY, Park EH, Lee S, Ko G, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Deng F, Yi SM, Kim H. Airborne bacterial communities in three East Asian cities of China, South Korea, and Japan. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):5545.

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  • Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong BG, Tawatsupa B, Tobías A, Lavigne E, Stagliorio Coelho MSZ, Pan X, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YLL, Wu CF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Bell ML, Scortichini M, Michelozzi P, Punnasiri K, Li S, Tian L, Osorio Garcia SD, Seposo X, Overcenco A, Zeka A, Goodman P, Dang TN, Dung DV, Mayvaneh F, Saldiva PHN, Williams G, Tong S. Heatwave and mortality: a multi-country multi-community study. Environ Health Perspect. 2017;125(8):087006.

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  • Armstrong B, Bell ML, Scortichini M, Coelho MS, Guo YL, Guo Y, Goodman P, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kim H, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Saldiva PHN, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Sera F, Tobias A, Tong S, Wu C, Zanobetti A, Zeka A, Gasparrini A. Longer term impact of high and low temperature on mortality: an international study to clarify length of mortality displacement. Environ Health Perspect. 2017;125(10):107009.

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  • Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera MA, Huber V, Tong S, Coelho MS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Diaz M, Cruz JC, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobias A, Iñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Wu C, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Dang TN, Van DD, Heaviside1 C, Vardoulakis S, Hajat S, Haines A, Armstrong B. Projections of temperature-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios. Lancet Planetary Health. 2017;1(9):e360-e367.

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  • Kim Y, Gasparrini A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Armstrong B. Heat-related mortality in Japan after the 2011 Fukushima disaster: An analysis of potential influence of reduced electricity consumption. Environ Health Perspect. 2017;125(7):077005.

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  • Kim J, Shin J, Lim YH, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Guo YL, Kan H, Yi S. Comprehensive approach to understand the association between diurnal temperature range and mortality in East Asia. Sci Total Environ. 2016;539:313–321.

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  • Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Lavigne E, Tobias A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Tong S, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong BG. Changes in susceptibility to heat during the summer: a multi-country analysis. Am J Epidemiol. 2016;183(11):1027–36.

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  • McIver LJ, Imai C, Buettner PG, Gager P, Chan VS, Hashizume M, Iddings SN, Kol H, Raingsey PP, Lyne K. Diarrheal diseases and climate change in Cambodia. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2016;28(7):576-585.

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  • McIver L, Kim R, Woodward A, Hales S, Spickett J, Katscherian D, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kim H, Iddings S, Naicker J, Bambrick H, McMichael AJ, Ebi KL. Health impacts of climate change in Pacific island countries: A regional assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptation priorities. Environ Health Perspect. 2016;124(11):1707–1714.

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  • Kim J, Kim JH, Cheong HK, Kim H, Honda Y, Ha M, Hashizume M, Kolam J, Inape K. Effect of climate factors on the childhood pneumonia in Papua New Guinea: a time-series analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(2):213.

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  • Choi Y, Tang CS, McIver L, Hashizume M, Chan V, Abeyasinghe RR, Iddings S, Huy R. Effects of weather factors on dengue fever incidence and implications for interventions in Cambodia. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:241.

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  • Imai C, Barnett AG, Hashizume M, Honda Y. The role of influenza in the delay between low temperature and ischemic heart disease: evidence from simulation and mortality data from Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016;13(5):454.

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  • Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong BG, Tawatsupa B, Tobias A, Lavigne E, Coelho MS, Pan X, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Wu CF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Bell ML, Overcenco A, Punnasiri K, Li S, Tian L, Saldiva P, Williams G, Tong S. Temperature variability and mortality: a multi-country study. Environ Health Perspect. 2016;124(10):1554–1559.

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  • Yoshihara K, Le NM, Okamoto M, Akpeedje WAC, Nguyen HA, Toizumi M, Pham E, Suzuki M, Nguyen ATT, Oshitani H, Ariyoshi K, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M, Dang AD, Yoshida LM. Association of RSV-A ON1 genotype with increased pediatric acute lower respiratory tract infection in Vietnam. Sci. Rep. 2016;6:27856.

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  • Imai C, Cheong HK, Kim H, Honda Y, Eum JH, Kim CT, Kim JS, Kim Y, Behera SK, Hassan MN, Nealon J, Chung H, Hashizume M. Associations between malaria and local and global climate variability in five regions in Papua New Guinea. Trop Med Health. 2016;44:23.

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  • Yoshihara K, Le NM, Nagasawa K, Tsukagoshi H, Nguyen HA, Toizumi M, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M, Ariyoshi K, Dang DA, Kimura H, Yoshida LM. Molecular evolution of respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A genotype NA1 and ON1 attachment glycoprotein (G) gene in central Vietnam. Infect Genet Evol. 2016;45:437–446.

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  • Nakamura T, Hashizume M, Ueda K, Shimizu A, Takeuchi A, Kubo T, Hashimoto K, Moriuchi H, Odajima H, Kitajima T, Tashiro K, Tomimasu K, Nishiwaki Y. Asian dust and pediatric emergency visits due to bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases in Nagasaki, Japan. J Epidemiol. 2016;26(11):593-601.

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  • Chung Y, Lim Y, Honda Y, Guo YL, Hashizume M, Bell ML, Chen BY, Kim H. Mortality related to extreme temperature for 15 cities in Northeast Asia. Epidemiology. 2015;26(2):255–62.

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  • Nagura M, Terao T, Hashizume M. The role of temperature inversions in the generation of seasonal and interannual SST variability in the far northern Bay of Bengal. Journal of Climate. 2015;28(9):3671–93.

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  • Nakamura T, Hashizume M, Ueda K, Kubo T, Shimizu A, Okamura T, Nishiwaki Y. The relationship between Asian dust events and out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2015;25(4):289–96.

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  • McIver L, Hashizume M, Kim H, Honda Y, Pretrick M, Iddings S, Pavlin B. Assessment of climate-sensitive infectious diseases in the Federated States of Micronesia. Trop Med Health. 2015;43(1):29–40.

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  • Hashizume M, Nakagomi T, Nakagomi O. An early detection of decline in rotavirus cases during the 2013/2014 season in Japan as revealed by time-series analysis of national surveillance data. Trop Med Health. 2015;43(3):177–181.

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  • Lee H, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Guo YL, Wu CF, Kan H, Jung K, Lim YH, Yi S, Kim H. Short-term exposure to fine and coarse particles and mortality: A multicity time-series study in East Asia. Environ Pollut. 2015;207:43–51.

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  • Imai C, Armstrong B, Chalabi Z, Mangtani P, Hashizume M. Time series regression model for infectious disease and weather. Environ Res. 2015;142:319-327.

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  • Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Tobias A, Tong S, Rocklov J, Forsberg B, Leone M, De Sario M, Bell ML, Guo YLL, Wu CF, Kan H, Yi SM, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Saldiva PH, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong B. Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multi-country study. The Lancet. 2015;386(9991):369-375.

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  • Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Kinney PL, Petkova EP, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Tobias A, Leone M, Tong S, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong BG. Temporal variation in heat-mortality associations: a multicountry study. Environ Health Perspect. 2015;123:1200-1207.

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  • Takahashi N, Nakao R, Ueda K, Ono M, Kondo M, Honda Y, Hashizume M. Community trial on heat related-illness prevention behaviors and knowledge for the elderly. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015;12(3):3188–214.

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  • Imai C, Hashizume M. Systematic review on methodology: time series regression analysis for environmental factors and infectious diseases. Trop Med Health. 2015;43(1):1-9.

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  • Lee H, Honda Y, Lim YH, Guo YL, Hashizume M, Kim H. Effect of Asian dust storms on mortality in three Asian cities. Atmos Environ. 2014:89:309–317.

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  • Vu HH, Okumura J, Hashizume M, Tran DN, Yamamoto T. Regional differences in the growing incidence of dengue fever in Vietnam explained by weather variability. Trop Med Health. 2014;42(1):25–33.

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  • Takahashi N, Hashizume M. A systematic review of the influence of occupational organophosphate pesticides exposure on neurologic impairment. BMJ Open. 2014;4:e004798.

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  • Imai C, Brooks WA, Chung Y, Goswami D, Anjali BA, Dewan A, Kim H, Hashizume M. Tropical influenza and weather variability among children in an urban low-income population in Bangladesh. Glob Health Action. 2014;7:24413.

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  • Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Li S, Tawatsupa B, Tobias A, Lavigne E, Coelho MSZS, Leone M, Pan X, Tong S, Tian L, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Wu CF, Punnasiri K, Yi SM, Michelozzi P, Saldiva PHN, Williams G. Global variation in the effects of ambient temperature on mortality-a systematic evaluation. Epidemiology. 2014;25(6):781–789.

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  • Davies G, McIver L, Kim Y, Hashizume M, Iddings S, Chan V. Water-borne diseases and extreme weather events in Cambodia: review of impacts and implications of climate change. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014;12(1):191–213.

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  • Dewan AM, Corner RJ, Hashizume M, Ongee ET. Typhoid fever and its association with environmental factors in the Dhaka Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh: a spatial and time-series approach. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013:7(1): e1998.

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  • Haque U, Glass GE, Bomblies A, Hashizume M, Mitra D, Noman N, Haque W, Kabir M, Yamamoto T, Overgaard HJ. Risk factors associated with clinical malaria episodes in Bangladesh: a longitudinal study. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2013:88(4):727–732.

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  • Daito H, Suzuki M, Shiihara J, Kilgore PE, Ohtomo H, Morimoto K, Ishida M, Kamigaki T, Oshitani H, Hashizume M, Endo W, Hagiwara K, Ariyoshi K, Okinaga S. Impact of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on pneumonia hospitalisations and mortality among adults in northern Miyagi, Japan: A multicentre observational study. Thorax. 2013:68(6):544–550.

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  • Corner RJ, Dewan AM, Hashizume M. Modelling typhoid risk in Dhaka Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh: the role of socio-economic and environmental factors. Int J Health Geogr. 2013 Mar 16;12:13.

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  • Hashizume M, Chaves LF, Faruque ASG, Yunus M, Streatfield PK, Moji K. A differential effect of indian ocean dipole and El Nino on cholera dynamics in Bangladesh. PLoS One. 2013:8(3): e60001.

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  • Haque U, Hashizume M, Kolivras KN, Overgaard HJ, Das B, Yamamoto T. Reduced death rates from cyclones in Bangladesh - What more needs to be done? Bull World Health Organ. 2012;90:150–156.

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  • Chaves LF, Hashizume M, Satake A, Minakawa N. Regime shifts and heterogeneous trends in malaria time series from Western Kenya Highlands. Parasitology. 2012:139:14–25.

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  • Chaves LF, Satake A, Hashizume M, Minakawa N. Indian ocean dipole and rainfall drive a moran effect in East Africa malaria transmission. J Infect Dis. 2012:205:1885–1891.

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  • Hori A, Hashizume M, Tsuda Y, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T. Effects of weather variability and air pollutants on emergency admissions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Int J Environ Health Res. 2012:22:416–430.

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  • Haque U, Scott LM, Hashizume M, Fisher E, Haque R, Yamamoto T, Glass GE. Modelling malaria treatment practices in Bangladesh using spatial statistics. Malaria J. 2012:11:63.

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  • Hashizume M, Dewan AM, Sunahara T, Rahman Z, Yamamoto T. Hydroclimatological variability and dengue transmission in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a time-series study. BMC Infect Dis. 2012:12:98

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  • Choi K, Cho S, Hashizume M, Kim H. Epidemiological characteristics of novel influenza A (H1N1) in antiviral drug users in Korea. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47634.

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  • Hashizume M, Chaves LF, Minakawa N. Indian ocean dipole drives malaria resurgence in East African highlands. Sci. Rep. 2012:2;269.

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  • Milojevic A, Armstrong B, Hashizume M, McAllister K, Faruque ASG, Yunus M, Streatfield PK, Moji K, Wilkinson P. Health effects of flooding in rural Bangladesh. Epidemiology. 2012;23:107-115.

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  • Onozuka D, Hashizume M. Weather variability and paediatric infectious gastroenteritis. Epidemiol. Infect. 2011;139:1369–1378.

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  • Onozuka D, Hashizume M. Effect of weather variability on the incidence of mumps in children: a time-series analysis. Epidemiol. Infect. 2011;139:1692–1700.

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  • Haque U, Sunahara T, Hashizume M, Shields T, Yamamoto T, Haque R, Glass GE. Malaria prevalence, risk factors and spatial distribution in a hilly forest area of Bangladesh. PLoS One. 2011:6(4): e18908.

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  • Hashizume M. Climate, climate change and diarrhoea in Bangladesh. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment. 2011:5;47–53.
  • Oki M, Sunahara T, Hashizume M, Yamamoto T. Optimal timing of insecticide fogging to minimize dengue incidence: modeling dengue transmission among various seasonalities and transmission intensities. PLoS Neglect Trop Dis. 2011:5(10): e1367.

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  • Onozuka D, Hashizume M. The influence of temperature and humidity on the incidence of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Japan. Sci Total Environ. 2011;39:95–103.

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  • Hashizume M, Faruque ASG, Terao T, Yunus M, Streatfield K, Yamamoto T, Moji K. The indian ocean dipole and cholera incidence in Bangladesh: A time series analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2011;119:239-244.

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  • Onozuka D, Hashizume M, Hagihara A. Effects of weather variability on infectious gastroenteritis. Epidemiol. Infect. 2010;138:236–243.

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  • Hashizume M, Ueda K, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Onozuka D. Health effects of Asian dust events: a review of the literature. Jpn J Hyg. 2010;65:413–421.

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  • Haque U, Hashizume M, Sunahara T, Hossain S, Ahmed SM, Haque R, Yamamoto T and Glass GE. Progress and challenges to control malaria in a remote area of chittagong hill tracts, Bangladesh. Malaria J. 2010;9:156.

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  • Haque U, Hashizume M, Glass GE, Dewan A, Overgaard HJ, Yamamoto T. The role of climate variability in the spread of malaria in Bangladeshi highland. PLoS One. 2010;5(12): e14341.

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  • Hashizume M, Faruque ASG, Wagatsuma Y, Hayashi T, Armstrong B. Cholera in Bangladesh: Climatic components of seasonal variation. Epidemiology. 2010;21(5):706–710.

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  • Onozuka D, Hashizume M, Hagihara A. Impact of weather factors on mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Thorax. 2009;64:507–511.

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  • Hashizume M, Terao T, Minakawa N. The Indian Ocean Dipole and malaria risk in the highlands of western Kenya. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009;106:1857–1862.

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  • Hashizume M, Wagatsuma Y, Hayashi T, Saha SK, Streatfield K, Yunus M. The effect of temperature on mortality in rural Bangladesh: a population based time-series study. Int J Epidemiol. 2009;38:1689–1697.

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  • Hashizume M, Armstrong B, Wagatsuma Y, Faruque ASG, Hayashi T, Sack DA. Rotavirus infections and climate variability in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a time-series analysis. Epidemiol. Infect. 2008;136:1281–1289.

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  • Hashizume M, Wagatsuma Y, Faruque ASG, Hayashi T, Paul R. Hunter, Armstrong B, Sack DA. Factors determining vulnerability to diarrhoea during and after severe floods in Bangladesh. J Water Health. 2008;6:323–332.

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  • Hashizume M, Armstrong B, Hajat S, Wagatsuma Y, Faruque ASG, Hayashi T, Sack DA. The effect of rainfall on the incidence of cholera in Bangladesh. Epidemiology. 2008;19:103-10.

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  • Hashizume M, Armstrong B, Hajat S, Wagatsuma Y, Faruque ASG, Hayashi T, Sack DA. Association between climate variability and hospital visits for non-cholera diarrhoea in Bangladesh: effects and vulnerable groups. Int J Epidemiol. 2007;36:1030-7.

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  • Hashizume M, Kondo H, Murakami T, Kodama M, Nakahara S, Lucas M, Wakai S. Use of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in an emergency situation after the flood disaster in Mozambique. Public Health. 2006;120:444–447.

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  • Hashizume M, Chiba M, Shinohara A, Iwabuchi S, Sasaki S, Shimoda T, Kunii O, Caypil W, Dauletbaev D, Alnazarova A. Anaemia, iron deficiency and vitamin A status among school-aged children in rural Kazakhstan. Public Health Nutr. 2005;8:564–571.

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  • Hashizume M, Shimoda T, Sasaki S, Kunii O, Caypil W, Dauletbaev D, Chiba M. Anaemia in relation to low bioavailability of dietary iron among school-aged children in the Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2004;55:37–43.

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  • Kuroiwa C, Vongphrachanh P, Xayyavong P, Southalack K, Hashizume M, Nakamura S. Measles epidemiology and outbreak investigation using Igm test in Laos. J Epidemiol. 2001;11:255–262.

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  • Yamamoto T, Hashizume M, Kichikawa Y, Kyo H, Kondo H. A survey on attitudes and practice concerning international health. Japanese Journal of Public Health. 2001;48:963–968.

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  • Kuroiwa C, Vongphrachanh P, Chosa T, Murakami H, Hashizume M, Wakai S, Tanaka M. Risk of poliomyelitis importation and re-emergence in Laos. The Lancet. 2000;356:1487–1488.

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