Research Areas

Air Pollution and Health
Harmful substances from both man-made (e.g., industrial facilities, motor vehicles, and household solid fuels) and natural sources (e.g., forest fires and desert dust) pollute the air humans breathe and inevitably bring deleterious effects on human health. We conduct studies (e.g., time series, case crossover, and cohort) to assess the effects of the various air pollution exposures (i.e., particulate matter and different chemical species) to health outcomes (e.g., cardiorespiratory diseases). The findings of these studies are important to evaluate and improve governments’ policies in reducing air pollution and the current standards being implemented.
  • Tobías A, Querol X, Roqué M, Lwin KS, Yuan L, Ith S, Htay ZW, Chua PLC, Solá I, Renzi M, Stafoggia M, Hashizume M. Short-term exposure to desert dust and sandstorms and all-cause and cause-specific mortality and morbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental International. 2025 Feb 109277.

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  • Rai M, Stafoggia M, de'Donato F, Scortichini M, Zafeiratou S, Vazquez Fernandez L, Zhang S, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Rao S, Lavigne E, Guo Y, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Pascal M, Hashizume M, Ng CFS, Alahmad B, Hurtado Diaz M, De la Cruz Valencia C, Nunes B, Madureira J, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Kim H, Lee W, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Maria Vicedo-Cabrera A, Ragettli MS, Leon Guo YL, Pan SC, Li S, Gasparrini A, Sera F, Masselot P, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Schneider A, Breitner S. Heat-related cardiorespiratory mortality: Effect modification by air pollution across 482 cities from 24 countries. Environ Int. 2023 Apr;174:107825.

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  • Lwin KS, Tobías A, Chua PLC, Yuan L, Thawonmas R, Ith S, Htay ZW, Yu LS, Yamasaki L, Roqué M, Querol X, Fussell JC, Nadeau KC, Stafoggia M, Saliba NA, Ng CFS, Hashizume M. Effects of desert dust and sandstorms on human health: a scoping review. GeoHealth. 2023 Mar 1;7(3):e2022GH000728.

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  • Seposo X, Ueda K, Ng CFS, Madaniyazi L, Sugata S, Yoshino A, Takami A. Roles of oxides of nitrogen in the ozone-cardiorespiratory visit association. Environmental Pollution. 2023 Jan 15;317:120802.

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  • Nishikawa H, Seposo XT, Madaniyazi L, Kim Y, Tobías A, Yamagami M, Kim SE, Takami A, Sugata S, Honda Y, Ueda K, Hashizume M, Ng CFS. Long-term trends in mortality risk associated with short-term exposure to air pollution in 10 Japanese cities between 1977 and 2015. Environ Res. 2022 Dec 20;219:115108.

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  • Liu C, Cai J, Chen R, Sera F, Guo Y, Tong S, Li S, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Breitner S, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Diaz MH, Valencia CC, Rao S, Palomares AD, Silva SPD, Madureira J, Holobâc IH, Fratianni S, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Pan SC, Milojevic A, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Coarse particulate air pollution and daily mortality: a global study in 205 cities. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Oct 15;206(8):999-1007.

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  • Tasmin S, Ng CFS, Stickley A, Yasumoto S, Watanabe C. Acute effects of ambient temperature on lung function of a panel of school children living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment. 2022; 838: 156139.

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  • Madaniyazi L, Jung CR, Ng CFS, Seposo X, Hashizume M, Nakayama SF, Japan Environment and Children's Study Group. Early life exposure to indoor air pollutants and the risk of neurodevelopmental delays: The Japan environment and children's study. Environ Int. 2022 Jan;158:107004.

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  • Chen G, Guo Y, Yue X, Tong S, Gasparrini A, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Schwartz J, Jaakkola JJK, Zanobetti A, Lavigne E, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Kan H, Royé D, Milojevic A, Overcenco A, Urban A, Schneider A, Entezari A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Zeka A, Tobias A, Nunes B, Alahmad B, Forsberg B, Pan SC, Íñiguez C, Ameling C, De la Cruz Valencia C, Åström C, Houthuijs D, Van Dung D, Samoli E, Mayvaneh F, Sera F, Carrasco-Escobar G, Lei Y, Orru H, Kim H, Holobaca IH, Kyselý J, Teixeira JP, Madureira J, Katsouyanni K, Hurtado-Díaz M, Maasikmets M, Ragettli MS, Hashizume M, Stafoggia M, Pascal M, Scortichini M, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coêlho M, Valdés Ortega N, Ryti NRI, Scovronick N, Matus P, Goodman P, Garland RM, Abrutzky R, Garcia SO, Rao S, Fratianni S, Dang TN, Colistro V, Huber V, Lee W, Seposo X, Honda Y, Guo YL, Ye T, Yu W, Abramson MJ, Samet JM, Li S. Mortality risk attributable to wildfire-related PM2·5 pollution: a global time series study in 749 locations. Lancet Planet Health. 2021 Sep;5(9):e579-e587.

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  • Kim Y, Park EH, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Hashimoto K, Tashiro K, Hasunuma H, Doi M, Tamura K, Moriuchi H, Nishiwaki Y, Kim H, Yi SM, Kim H, Hashizume M. Respiratory function declines in children with asthma associated with chemical species of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Nagasaki, Japan. Environ Health. 2021 Oct 21;20(1):110.

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  • Masselot P, Sera F, Schneider R, Kan H, Lavigne É, Stafoggia M, Tobias A, Chen H, Burnett RT, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Bell ML, Chen BY, Leon Guo YL, Ragettli MS, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Åström C, Forsberg B, Íñiguez C, Garland RM, Scovronick N, Madureira J, Nunes B, De la Cruz Valencia C, Hurtado Diaz M, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Ng CFS, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Schneider A, Breitner S, Ryti NRI, Jaakkola JJK, Maasikmets M, Orru H, Guo Y, Valdés Ortega N, Matus Correa P, Tong S, Gasparrini A. Differential mortality risks associated with PM2.5 components: a multi-country, multi-city study. Epidemiology. 2022 Mar 1;33(2):167-175.

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  • Nishikawa H, Ng CFS, Madaniyazi L, Seposo XT, Dhoubhadel BG, Pokhrel D, Pokhrel AK, Verma SC, Shrestha D, Raya GB, Hashizume M. Ambient PM2.5 and daily hospital admission for acute respiratory infections: effect modification by weight status of children. Atmosphere. 2021;12:1009.

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  • Meng X, Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Milojevic A, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Correa PM, Ortega NV, Osorio S, Garcia, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Maasikmets M, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti N, Huber V, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Holobaca IH, Fratianni S, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Pan SC, Li S, Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Wu T, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Short term associations of ambient nitrogen dioxide with daily total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality: multilocation analysis in 398 cities. BMJ. 2021;372:n534.

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  • Phung VLH, Ueda K, Seposo X, Takami A, Sugata S, Yoshino A, Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Honda A, Takano H. Hourly association between ambient PM2.5 and emergency ambulance dispatches in 11 cities in Japan. Environ Res. 2020 Jun;185:109448.

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  • Nakamura T, Nishiwaki Y, Hashimoto K, Takeuchi A, Kitajima T, Komori K, Tashiro K, Hasunuma H, Ueda K, Shimizu A, Odajima H, Moriuchi H, Hashizume M. Association between Asian dust exposure and respiratory function in children with bronchial asthma in Nagasaki prefecture, Japan. Environ Health Prev Med. 2020;25(1):8.

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  • Hasunuma H, Takeuchi A, Ono R, Amimoto Y, Hwang YH, Uno I, Shimizu A, Nishiwaki Y, Hashizume M, Askew DJ, Odajima H. Effect of Asian dust on respiratory symptoms among children with and without asthma, and their sensitivity. Sci Total Environ. 2020;753:141585.

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  • Hashizume M, Kim Y, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Madaniyazi L, Bell ML, Guo YL, Kan H, Honda Y, Yi SM, Kim H, Nishiwaki Y. Health effects of Asian dust: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2020;128(6):66001.

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  • Vicedo-Cabrera, AM, Sera F, Liu C, Armstrong B, Milojevic A, Guo Y, Tong S, Lavigne E, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Pascal M, Huber V, Schneider A, Katsouyanni K, Samoli E, Stafoggia M, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Ng CFS, Hurtado-Diaz M, Cruz J, Silva S, Madureira J, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Röösli M, Guo YLL, Chen BY, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Kan H, Gasparrini A. Short term association between ozone and mortality: global two stage time series study in 406 locations in 20 countries. BMJ. 2020;368: m108.

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  • Phosri A, Ueda K, Phung VLH, Tawatsupa B, Honda A, Takano H. Effects of ambient air pollution on daily hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Bangkok, Thailand. Sci Total Environ. 2019 Feb 15;651(Pt 1):1144-1153.

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  • Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdes Ortega N, Osorio Garcia S, Pascal M, Stafoggia M, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Díaz M, Cruz J, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Bell ML, Wright CY, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Milojevic A, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Chen J, Wu T, Cohen A, Gasparrini A, Kan H. Ambient particulate air pollution and daily mortality in 652 Cities. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(8):705-715.

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  • Hasunuma H, Ichinose T, Ueda K, Odajima H, Kanatani K, Shimizu A, Takami A, Takeuchi A, Nishiwaki Y, Watanabe M, Hashizume M. Health effects of Asian dust events: a literature review update of epidemiological evidence. Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2019;74(0).

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  • Ng CFS, Hashizume M, Obase Y, Doi M, Tamura K, Tomari S, Kawano T, Fukushima C, Matsuse H, Chung Y, Kim Y, Kunimitsu K, Kohno S, Mukae H. Associations of chemical composition and sources of PM2.5 with lung function of severe asthmatic adults in a low air pollution environment of urban Nagasaki, Japan. Environ Pollut. 2019;252(Pt A):599-606.

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  • Tasmin S, Ng CFS, Stickley A, Md N, Saroar G, Yasumoto S, Watanabe C. Effects of short-term exposure to ambient particulate matter on the lung function of school children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Epidemiology. 2019 Jul;30 Suppl 1:S15-S23.

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  • Khan R, Konishi S, Ng CFS, Umezaki M, Kabir AF, Tasmin S, Watanabe C. Association between short-term exposure to fine particulate matter and daily emergency room visits at a cardiovascular hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment. 2019 Jan 1;646:1030-1036.

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  • Phung VLH, Ueda K, Kasaoka S, Seposo XT, Tasmin S, Yonemochi S, Phosri A, Honda A, Takano H, Michikawa T, Nitta H. Acute Effects of Ambient PM2.5 on All-Cause and Cause-Specific Emergency Ambulance Dispatches in Japan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2018, 15(2), 307.

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  • Kim SE, Bell ML, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kan K, Kim H. Associations between mortality and prolonged exposure to elevated particulate matter concentrations in East Asia. Environ Int. 2018;110:88-94.

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  • Kim Y, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Kim H, Honda Y, Guo YL, Lim YH, Chen BY, Page LA, Hashizume M. Air pollution and suicide in 10 cities in northeast Asia: A time-stratified case-crossover analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2018;126(3):037002.

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  • Kim SE, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Kan H, Lim YH, Lee H, Kim CT, Yi SM, Kim H. Seasonal analysis of the short-term effects of air pollution on daily mortality in Northeast Asia. Sci Total Environ. 2017;576:850–857.

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  • Lee JY, Park EH, Lee S, Ko G, Honda Y, Hashizume M, Deng F, Yi SM, Kim H. Airborne bacterial communities in three East Asian cities of China, South Korea, and Japan. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):5545.

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  • Sakata S, Konishi S, Ng CFS, Kishikawa R, Watanabe C. Association of asian dust with daily medical consultations for pollinosis in Fukuoka city, Japan. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. 2017 Apr 4;22(1):25.

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  • Stickley A, Ng CFS, Konishi S, Koyanagi A, Watanabe C. Airborne pollen and suicide mortality in Tokyo, 2001-2011. Environmental Research. 2017 May;155:134-140.

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  • Tasmin S, Ueda K, Stickley A, Yasumoto S, Phung VLH, Oishi M, Yasukouchi S, Uehara Y, Michikawa T, Nitta H. Short-term exposure to ambient particulate matter and emergency ambulance dispatch for acute illness in Japan. Sci Total Environ. 2016 Oct 1;566-567:528-535.

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  • Goto D, Ueda k, Ng CFS, Takami A, Ariga T, Matsuhashi K, Nakajima T. Estimation of excess mortality due to long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Japan using a high-resolution model for present and future scenarios. Atmospheric Environment. 2016; 140: 320–332.

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  • Ng CF, Stickley A, Konishi S, Watanabe C. Ambient air pollution and suicide in Tokyo, 2001-2011. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2016; 201: 194–202.

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  • Konishi S, Ng CFS, Stickley A, Watanabe C. Pollinosis and all-cause mortality among middle-aged and elderly Japanese: a population-based cohort study. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2016; 46, 1083–1089.

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  • Nakamura T, Hashizume M, Ueda K, Shimizu A, Takeuchi A, Kubo T, Hashimoto K, Moriuchi H, Odajima H, Kitajima T, Tashiro K, Tomimasu K, Nishiwaki Y. Asian dust and pediatric emergency visits due to bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases in Nagasaki, Japan. J Epidemiol. 2016;26(11):593-601.

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  • Nakamura T, Hashizume M, Ueda K, Kubo T, Shimizu A, Okamura T, Nishiwaki Y. The relationship between Asian dust events and out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2015;25(4):289–96.

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  • Nakajima T, Imasu R, Takami A, Goto D, Tsuruta H, Uchida J, Dai T, Misawa,S, Ueda K, Ng CFS, Watanabe C, Konishi S, Sato Y, Higuchi A, Masutomi Y, Murakami A, Tsuchiya K, Kondo H, Niwa Y, Yoshimura K, Ohara T, Morino Y, Nick S, Sudo K, Takemura T, Inoue T, Arai Y, Murata R, Yonemoto R, Ngoc Thi T, Uematsu M, Satoh M, Tomita H, Yashiro H, Masayuki H. Development of seamless chemical assimilation system and its application for atmospheric environmental materials. Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology. 2015; 34(2): 104-114.

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  • Goto D, Dai T, Satoh M, Tomita H, Uchida J, Misawa S, Inoue T, Tsuruta H, Ueda K, Ng CFS, Takami A, Sugimoto N, Shimizu A, Ohara T, Nakajima T. Application of a global nonhydrostatic model with a stretched-grid system to regional aerosol simulations around Japan. Geosci Model Dev. 2015; 8: 235–259.

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  • Konishi S, Ng CFS, Stickley A, Nishihata S, Shinsugi C, Ueda K, Takami A, Watanabe C. Particulate matter modifies the association between airborne pollen and daily medical consultations for pollinosis in Tokyo. Science of the Total Environment. 2014; 499: 125–132.

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  • Ng CFS, Ueda K, Nitta H, Takeuchi A. Seasonal variation in the acute effects of ozone on premature mortality among elderly Japanese. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013 Oct;185(10):8767-76.

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  • Hori A, Hashizume M, Tsuda Y, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T. Effects of weather variability and air pollutants on emergency admissions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Int J Environ Health Res. 2012:22:416–430.

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  • Ueda K, Ng CFS, Nitta H. The health effects of photochemical oxidant: results of 20 cities study and overseas findings. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment. 2012; 47(1): A9–A11.

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  • Hashizume M, Ueda K, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Onozuka D. Health effects of Asian dust events: a review of the literature. Jpn J Hyg. 2010;65:413–421.

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